
Showing posts from November, 2020

Landing on Plan It Carey

 Oh my goodness...what a year, huh? Life has been a mixture of catching my breath and carving out space to process all that has come to the surface this year. It's been a lot. There have been some wonderful experiences and heartbreaking ones as well.  One of the aspects that has helped me, on all levels, is journaling and documenting the days. I'm so glad I kept a journal this year. (I've always kept some sort of log, in some sort of book, but I haven't always been consistent. That's what I am working on.) As we enter the final calendar month of the year, I'm pretty amazed that it's already December. Much has changed. My brain is working to comprehend and compartmentalize all that has come through. My focus this year is on being intentional and consistent. While I'm not 100%, I felt that one of the practices that could strengthen these habits was through blogging. I want to experiment with this and give myself a creative outlet. Rather than recap the hig